Common statements used to promote tithing. Click item–to read In-Christ perspective.
We have a completely different and much better relationship with God than Abraham had. It calls for a totally different way of living and giving—led by the Spirit and tailored to each person uniquely and individually.
Consider the differences between a believer in Jesus Christ and Abraham:
See Notes for scriptural references for each statement.
God bless you richly!!!! This book has been by far one of the most enriching experiences of my Christian journey. I have been a youth pastor, elder, minister, worker, you name it, I have done it, but never ever has the word of God been so plainly and clearly given. I have bought the book and I have will share it and this website with whomever I can!!! Again, God bless you richly.
I am impressed with the book. As a church Pastor I would like to put some of these books into the hands of others in my circle of influence. … My thinking has been moving toward your views for perhaps two years. … Your book has enlightened and confirmed what I and some associates have been talking about for some time.
Matthew, I have 2 copies of your book. I know you will get a lot of flack, but this is one book that was needed by the church. I believe in tithing that comes from the heart, and not by twisting a persons arms. I've been a Christian for 59 years, raised in church. As stated in your book, where people can follow their heart the local church has always had plenty of money! Some churches I have attended are always short of funds and OT tithing is compulsory if you are a member. I pray that this book will become a great seller. God bless you.
I loved your book. I once was in total bondage to tithing. I've been set free from this for the last three or four years. I really think your book is timely. I am recommending it and your web site to as many who will listen.
Your book on “Tithing. . .” is a keeper. We would like to link to your site from ours. As I read through it, I saw many of the same things that George and I have been writing about. We seek to follow the Spirit and God's heart in what we write. We long to see His people walk in the full Sonship of the Father, freely fellowshipping in the Sprit and set free form all forms of religious bondage and law keeping.
What a breath of fresh air! I have been struggling for so long on tithing and other OT topics. Our pastor has used all those admonishments for tithing; I had a hard time returning to the OT and Malachi when the NT says we are no longer under law, but under Grace! Tradition stands in the way of our freedom in Jesus Christ!
Thank God, someone has finally written a right now, right to the point truthful book about tithing. I have just finished reading the book, and did so at one sitting. I was thrilled with every page. Freedom rings!!! I wish every person calling themselves by the name “Christian” would read this book with an open mind and let the truth sink deep into their souls. What a difference it would make in their growth in the Lord Jesus.
Not only does it set you free from any dregs of bondage over the “obligation”, but it sets you free to become more of what God has planned for you. Praise God!!! I know this has cost you a great deal and will cost you even more as the religious world “stones the messenger.” But know this… every child of God who will read this and accept the truth contained in this book will thank you and every Son of God rejoices that it is revealed. May God bless you richly in your service to Him.
Thanks so much for writing this important book for our time. We pray its message will set many Christians free from the legalism of tithing and also help many to see what Christ has already accomplished for them through His death and resurrection (forgiveness for sins and deliverance from the power of sin through the exchanged life - His life for ours). Your chapters on the latter were very scriptural and logical and we pray this revelation of our Lord's full atonement on our behalf will free and empower many in the fulness of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I've just finished studying your book on Tithing, in doing my own study to give to my Tithing-teaching pastors. It is excellent - the best book on the subject I've come across, and I will be recommending it to others, so I just had to write and say THANK YOU!
I just wanted to say a big “thank you” to Matthew Narramore for writing the book on tithing. This book goes on my list of one of my favorite books, mostly because of the freedom it has brought me. Even before I read this book, many of the same truths that are in this book began to come to mind for me. God, indeed, had prepared me for His truth contained in this book. I recommend this to every Christian. God is indeed on the move to get His Church in a place to be all that Jesus died so that we could be. God bless, and thank you again.
We ordered and received your book about tithing from Seedsowers. AWESOME!
Some background: When my wife and I got our first computer, it already had BibleSoft on it. I, just for the sake of confirming what I believed about tithing, researched it out in the New Testament. Little was I prepared for what I got out of it. The only time tithing was even mentioned by a disciple in post-resurrection life was Hebrews 7. Then I saw in Dt 12 that the people were to eat their own tithe in the place that God told them to place the tabernacle of Moses.
This was in 1995, and since then I've felt like I was in limbo. If I tithed, I couldn't believe the promises, and if I didn't, I felt condemned, for I had no confirming voice. As said in the book, no one tells the stories of those who prosper without tithing, because no one gains from it. Now, with this book and its well-researched and simply put points, I have the boldness to proclaim us to be what we are - free from the fear of not tithing, free from the curse of the Law, and free from religion's grasp on our money. Freedom to follow God's Spirit is my lifestyle, and freedom to receive finances just because I ask God the Father in Jesus' name is my future. And my future starts now. Many blessings to you all for standing up and proclaiming the (unpopular yet scriptural) truth!
How thrilling to read such a book! It served as a much-needed confirmation of my personal walk with God. The only positive aspect of a lifetime exposed to and affected by organized religion is that organized religion itself proves it is just that--organized religion and NOT the instrument of God it purports to be. It seems to be getting worse--the organized “church” scene. …What are God's people to do? There seems to be no leadership anymore. Religious, controlling, false prophets are the majority. I hear the bleating of lambs and sheep all around! Perverted leadership, perverted gospel being pedaled/sold--the snake-oil salesmanship tactics used is so obvious---as Francis Schaeffer (author) asked “HOW SHOULD WE THEN LIVE?” Truly, I am sick at heart and in my Spirit today--but THANK YOU FOR YOUR BOOK ON TITHING--it spoke to much more than just the fallacy of tithing.
Greeting in the wonderful precious name of our Lord Jesus. Brother what can I say! Your timely message to the Body of Christ is long overdue! Blessed be the Lord for choosing such a time as this to reveal His Truth to His Zion (His people). I believe God is preparing His saints for the greatest moves of God's outpouring of His Spirit in these last days, and His people will be more than willing to give for the extending of His Kingdom here in earth; until it overflows and no one is going to restrain them from giving anymore. As He promises “I am come that you may have life and life more abundantly” Hallelujah, Amen. I am overwhelmed and excited what God is now doing all over the world with the release of the Maturing sons of God. “Zion, your time has come, Arise and Shine for the Glory of God is upon you” Thank you, thank you, thank you, my heart is full and may He bless you and yours with joy unspeakable and full of glory!
Thank you so much for your book. It really set me free. (I've been tithing for 30 years out of fear and duty.) I've never felt it was a New Testament obligation but all of the churches that I've attended and worked at always required me to practice tithing faithfully. The best part of your book though was the exciting news of the finished work of the cross. It's funny how we are very aware of this when we first become Christians but as we get involved in church we tend to lose sight of this wonderful truth. I'm so thankful for you reminding me of this liberating truth through your book. Do you have any other books that you have written on the wonderful truth of the finished work of the cross and our identity as joint-heirs with Christ? Also, can you recommend any books or web-sites that would further explain how to grow into mature sons of God. Thank you so much for your work and bravery in helping to set the body of Christ free from bondage.
Thank you, for writing this book on tithing. I spent 30 years in a church that taught three tithes. I started reading on my own about ten years ago & came to the knowledge of the New Covenant & Paul's teaching of Christ living in us.
I had always been tithing for decades until the recent two or three years, when I could no longer bear to watch the ministers built their fancy Babel-towers church buildings in millions of dollars for competition. Your book has loosed the heavy shackles of misquoted Scripture chains on tithing off from my shoulders. God bless you.
Excellent book. I believed the same but was confused by some using the scriptures before the law. Now I understand. Give as He directs cheerfully and because I want and how much I want. He works in me to will .
I purchased your book on tithing and am almost through with it. I find it a very enlightening book and very scriptural. I have been born again since 1998, I use to tithe out of fear. When my first child was born my wife quit work. We continued to tithe and we grew very deep into debt, I had to use credit cards to buy food. I was discharged from the military for medical reasons and was given a large severance that paid off all my debt. However, all heck broke loose. I had lost my job, my wife was pregnant again. Things got worse, the baby died after birth. I continued to tithe until recently, I found out it does not work. I now give by faith and give cheerfully. I believe God's best is yet to come as he has already purchased all I need by His death, burial and resurrection. Thanks for the very good book. I passed it on to a few good friends.
I have read your book during this Christmas break. Thanks a lot for your effort to pen down this issue of tithing and also New Covenant teachings. I was under the system of mixture of grace and law for the majority of my Christian life. Because of that, I was not growing as I should. Around June this year, God in His mercy and grace has led me to listen to this pastor's messages on grace in Singapore where I live in. He taught on a lot on grace and New Covenant similar to what you mentioned with this exception on tithing. I disagree with him on that issue. Your book covers more than the usual tithing sermons preached from pulpit. Thank you once again and God richest blessings be upon you and your loved ones. Amen.
I am reading Matthew Narramore's book, Tithing: Low Realm, Obsolete and Defunct, and I found out that you are providing it free of charge on the internet. I went ahead and bought two more copies since I know many don't read online. However, I have linked your webpage to my website for those who do, so they, too can read it online.
I am writing to thank you for your generosity in putting the book online. My purchase of two more copies should be encouragement that online publication for free doesn't hurt print sales. Thank you.
I must admit that I was apprehensive before reading your book. A friend of mine at church read it and gave me a copy to read. I kept putting off reading it, but each time I would see him, he would ask if I had read it. … I was afraid that your book would be a negative slam on the church. I do not want to slam the church but build it up. … But your book has brought me great joy for that very reason. You are not slamming the church, only speaking the truth in love. But the truth of who we are in Christ and what we have in Him is incredible! And that is what you constantly lift up. That is why I find your writing so edifying. Idolatry is in the church. Tithing is a sacred cow that is no better than any of the other idols in the Old Testament. Yet, we are not as the Old Testament Prophets who bring judgement. We are to lift up and encourage the body of Christ.
I haven't read the book yet. still waiting for it by post but I must say that I give glory to God for your boldness. When I saw the title, I knew that the Lord was at work. I have had very different views on the subject for many years and perhaps have been a bit timid in sharing them widely so your book title was definitely a 'turn on'. I have not been able to find any definite instruction to that effect in the New Testament and thought it conflicted with the spirit of the message that Jesus preached and all that Paul wrote on grace.
Finally someone who teaches the truth about giving under the New Covenant. If we could only get the ministers of the Gospel to see the truth about Giving, the church would have more than enough money to propagate the Gospel in all the world. God has greatly blessed me spiritually and materialistically since I learned this truth from your book. I gave a copy to my pastor, and am hoping God shows him the truth. Praise God for your Book.
I would like to compliment you on your excellent Christ-centered writing on the whole issue of tithing. Not having a religious background, but always being prompted by the love of and to the Lord as to my giving, I learned a lot from your book (the OT background is so entrenched in our Christian thinking.)My spirit would always cringe when I saw television pastors doing their storehouse fund raisings, etc.
I agree. It is time to speak out. Tithing has become a fundraiser like indulgences were in the days of Martin Luther.
I have recently completed the book. It started about two years ago when I lost my job and had to decide to pay mortgage or tithe. To pay tithe and be short on mortgage and trust God to make up the gap. I decided to pay mortgage. I have been taught that if you tithe, and you are short on bills, not to worry a check would be in the mail. Experience has taught me otherwise.
I struggled with the tithing question for a long time. My spiritual parents, Pastors, other guest speakers, always taught on tithing and that it was obeying God if I did and disobedient if I did not. After being unemployed I struggled, gave when I could and felt somewhat guilty when I did not.
Finally, after glancing at a Christian magazine one day, The Lord, yes The Lord drew my attention to a small ad with Matthew's title. I went to the web site and investigated. I was shocked, amazed and immediately ordered the book. I read the book and my life has changed. I feel free and blessed that a truth has been revealed to me.
Now the hard part. After attending a few church services where individuals gave testimony on how tithing saved them from crimes, allowed for checks to come in the mail etc., I was vexed in my spirit, because this doctrine is taught from mainline denominations to store front churches. The message on New Testament giving needs to be promoted aggressively. In materialistic America, where greed reigns, some will use the book and it's teaching to NOT give. I am curious to hear how others have now been able to function in their own church or ministry that heavy promotes tithing.
I am a strict Calvinist who has tithed all his life and independently and through Scripture study come to the conclusion that the law of tithing was fulfilled as part of the sacrificial system.
I have the book on Tithing: Low Realm Obsolete & Defunct. I think the information is outstanding and right. We are the righteousness of Christ, the new covenant that came with Jesus Christ. But went to church today and you know the tithing was taught and this happens every where at every church. I feel like I am wrong, yet I know better. My husband and I have been tithing for years, just like I read in your book about others. The truth be told all over the world. Need help and prayers.
Thank you for your personal response. It means a great deal that you took the time to return my message. Your offer to read your book online is most appreciated so much so that it moves me to purchase a copy to have on hand.
No I cannot imagine what sacrifice both financially and spiritually must have taken place in order to write this book. But am very thankful that the Lord has laid this subject on your heart.
Looking forward to reading this book along with God's Word. One last note, just as the widow was praised for giving all that she had. It seems clear to me that all that we have is the Lord's and therefore, at His service.
After reading, Tithing: Low-Realm, Obsolete & Defunct, I wanted to recommend the book to my friends. Even though I held similar views, I found the book to be very insightful. It had a more thorough study than I had personally done before. The book gave me a more scriptural understanding as to what I perceived to be error in the current tithing teaching.
I believe this book is very much needed in the Body of Christ, particularly in the United States of America where the double-minded, legalistic, erroneous teaching of tithing abounds. Unfortunately, the error of the tithing message is also spreading around the world via television and satellite. However, I believe the true gospel will prevail. Surely the book, Tithing: Low-Realm, Obsolete & Defunct, is one of the tools the Lord is using to counter the deception against the Body.
Although I recommended the book to different people, I decided to invite some friends to my home for a book study. We met every other week for a total of seven meetings. This gave us time to discuss what we read in an open discussion format.
While I think reading the book independently is very good, I also think the group format can be very helpful. I would especially recommend the group format for individuals who may be considering the content of the book for the first time. Here are some comments from the book study participants.
It is Spirit-led impartation of God's truth, using an example of finances that can be applied to so many aspects of our relationship with God. - B.C.
This book opened my eyes to the truth. One hundred percent of what I have belongs to God. My righteousness is a gift, and it doesn't come from contributing 10% of my paycheck. - N.D
This study has brought to light the truths about tithing in the Old Testament, the law in general, and the difference between the Old Testament believer and the New Covenant believer. The revelation of our full standing with Jesus as sons of God was for me the pivotal moment in the study. I do believe that people who read this book can be delivered from the legalism which permeates Christian teaching today, and thus be free to walk in the spirit and be led by the spirit in every aspect of their Christian life. - K.N.
Tithing: Low-Realm, Obsolete & Defunct helped me reflect on what church leaders say about tithing and examine what Christ (and the Bible) wants in my relationship with Him. Tithing is a limited and often disabling barrier to understanding God's grace and purpose in our lives. This book helps to reveal the open door of freedom and abundance from living in Christ. - P.S.
May God continue to bless your work in your book on tithing. I myself was raised on the Old Testament tithe. After having questions and then doing a word study in the Strong's concordance on the word tithe, I became convicted of false teachings. …Thank you so much for your devotion in this matter. I believe your book should be highlighted on TBN and other networks for a mass revival. Your message has the potential to restore and bring believers and non-believers to Jesus Christ.
I have also studied this tithing doctrine, and like yourself have come to the same conclusion. I spent 18 years of struggling under the law and the legalism of the whole system that comes with it. I totally agree with what you say about the New Covenant and rightly “dividing” the word of truth also. Very well put. …I have spent many years in religion and have tried to get free from the pharisaical fetters and chains many a time - the answers are in the word, which sets us free. Hallelujah for the glorious “true gospel” of grace in our Lord Jesus Christ!
I wanted to thank you for writing the book on tithing and giving. I ordered a copy from Amazon but also read your book online. It was great! and I will continue to study the book when it comes. I have been liberated from tithing for over 2 years, but unfortunately can not find a church that does not teach tithing.
This past Sunday was pretty challenging and I felt targeted by the pastor for not tithing. I had such a hurtful feeling afterwards and spent most of the evening Sunday and Monday all day trying to find any resources on the Internet that would ground me again. This has happened several times in my walk, each at differrent churches. I thank God for your book, it was the only resource that I could find that perfectly put my heart at peace again.
I wish I could find a full gospel letters church that does not teach this false doctrine. Unfortunately the doctrine of tithing is pretty widespread and there are few believers one can talk to about it without being judged. I thank you in the name of the Lord for your teaching, may God bless you!
Greetings brother Matthew in Jesus name. Sorry for the late reply. Our email system was down. I received your book about a week ago. I must say I really enjoyed reading your book. I am passing this book for other people to read as well.
Tradition has really caused a lot of damage in the area of tithing. The chapters on disinformation were nothing but the truth on scriptures being used to get people to tithe their money. Most Churches in South Africa have learnt the ways of the (name withheld) to manipulate scriptures to get people to tithe money.
The good news is that people are slowly coming to learn the truth about tithing. You have really brought home some good points that I really never taught off. Your book will certainly be circulating in South Africa.
A very thought provoking book. Revolutionary in some aspects, but totally freeing in spirit. It truly does break some of the chains of bondage. It sets you free to walk at a new level of love with and in Christ. If nothing more, it sweeps away the cobwebs of guilt and the clouds of insecurity. Thank you Matthew for a new insight.
An excellent study, if this was evidence in a court of law Matthew would win his case.
I enjoyed your book on tithing. It had all the proof of why I'm not tithing and haven't been for the past 1 1/2 years. I didn't go through the Bible as you did, my aim wasn't to write a book. My aim was to see if God would still bless me and meet my needs if I didn't tithe. He didn't stop blessing nor has He stopped meeting my needs.
The only difference now is that I'm no longer under shame or fear or the bondage of man. I can now give freely as the Holy Spirit leads me and it's not always money He leads me to give. Many times I don't give anything and He blesses me so much I'm in awe of His love of wanting to bless me. Before I was always trying to pay for it or giving out of fear that I wasn't good enough.
Your book gave me the Bible based teaching I needed. I was saying YES, YES, YES, all the way through. Would like to read it again and give a copy to as many friends as I can . . . it's GREAT to be FREE ! ! !
Dive right in, why don't ya, brother!! It's mind blowing to see this in print you can't hardly believe someone has dared to say this. Made my heart race and want to read on to see how you were going to support the statement.
Good! This long list (Disinformation Topics) begins to reveal and expose the subtle yet burdensome yoke of the law of the tithe. Most Christians are probably not aware of just how many little ball-and-chains have been attached to them. Then all of a sudden in print they see more than twenty doctrinal whips that have been used to beat them into tithing, just so that they can try to get something that already belongs to them because of God's faithfulness.
I have the book on Tithing: Low Realm, Obsolete & Defunct. I think the information is outstanding and right. We are the righteousness of Christ, the New Covenant that came with Jesus Christ. But went to church today and you know the tithing was taught and this happens every where at every church. I feel like I am wrong, yet I know better. My husband and I have been tithing for years, just like I read in your book about others. The truth be told all over the world. Need help and prayers.